Mobile Heat with Kraftblock.

Link your source to your application.

When trying to increase energy efficiecny in a plant, one challenge can be the distance of the application and its waste heat to another application. The mobile heat storage by Kraftblock solves this problem and allows for high-temperature heat to be transported on trucks.

How it works


Charging heat

A Kraftblock storage is charged with heat from an energy source like industrial waste heat or renewable energy. Here, a pemanent charging unit is installed.



The container moves on trucks, trains or ships. It holds up to 4 MWh when using public streets and can hold more when used only on industrial sites.


Discharge heat

Close to the process, the container is connected to the discharge unit. When it is empty, it can be replaced by a charged storage.

Learn how you can deploy Kraftblock’s Mobile Heat System.

Connect your energy with Kraftblock


A source of energy, especially waste heat, and a good application, such as district heating or an industrial process, often cannot be connected. District heating sources located far away, in difficult terrain or networks outside of densely populated areas may be too expensive to integrate in the regular heating network. On industrial sites, connecting sources and applications may be structurally impossible. Kraftblock's mobile storage allows you to connect these sources and use heat already paid for and reduce or replace fossil fuels.


Waste management, Germany

Moving Waste Heat over the Streets.

Start a project

Learn how you can deploy Kraftblock’s Mobile Heat System.


Concept Draft

We analyze date, draft a project idea with size and operation mode and indicate a price.


Feasability Study

We set up a detailed concept, define the interface and engineer the plant.


Project Execution

We procure, manufacture, erect, integrate and start up the storage system.